No. 2553 Custom Pet Portrait
An oil portrait of your dog in a classical style, in the unique frame of your choosing.
1. Decide whether you would like the head shown full-face or in silhouette. In general, snub-nosed dogs are best full-face and pointy-nosed dogs are best in silhouette, but the choice is yours.
2. Go through the gazillion photos of your dog to find the perfect photo, or do a photo shoot and take a new one. The quality of the painting will depend on the quality of the photograph! For full-face, make sure it's precisely straight on; likewise, for silhouette, make sure it's precisely from the side. Lighting can be important, so make sure there's nothing too off with the lights and shadows. Send them to me in an email at
3. In the email, let me know about your dog. What is his or her name? What breed? Favorite things to do? Most adorable bad habits? And anything else you'd like to share!
4. I'll get back to you with photos of available frames (up to 10" on the longest side), and you'll select the one you like best. Since each frame is unique, I can't guarantee stock, but I try my best to have a decent selection at all times.
5. I'll paint. Give me 4-6 weeks to make sure I have enough time to work the portrait into my schedule and devote enough time to it. I'll try to do it as soon as I can, and I'll send ETAs when available.
6. After the painting is finished, I'll send a photo for your feedback. Since you know your dog better than anyone and I'll only have a photo or two, you'll be the best judge of whether or not the portrait has captured the right likeness. Please keep in mind, though, that this is a painting in a classical style, not a photo-realistic style, and that it certainly isn't a photo. At this time, we can also, for instance, deepen the background or make another minor change. For changes such as pretending the collar that's in the photo isn't there, please let me know in advance, if possible. I'll work with you until you're happy with the result, but let's both try to keep it to a couple of rounds of revisions.
7. I'll wait until the paint is dry (4 days to a week, depending on the weather), and then wrap it carefully and send it off!
The painting is yours, but the rights of the image remain with me. I'd love it if you'd authorize me to share the painting and photo of your dog on my social channels and the like, but I'll respect your wishes if you'd prefer I didn't.
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